The Truth About User Churn and Conversion Optimization

Conversion and user churn rate optimization are critical tasks for digital marketers. A key goal of your website is to get people to take a specific action. Consequently, you also want customers to continue using your products and services. The more effectively you can generate conversions and keep people, the more energy and resources you save. 

Maintaining strong conversion rates and minimal churn rates is crucial to the success of any online business. As a result, it’s critical to study and understand one of the essential elements influencing them: your website’s user experience (UX). If you’re curious about what it takes to convert on a high-performing website and what type of increase in conversion rates you can expect after doing a user experience audit, keep reading! This article will discuss the truth about user churn and conversion optimization and how they are influenced by user experience. 

Defining User Churn Rate and Conversion Rate 

Before we dive into how to improve your website’s conversion rate and user churn rate, let’s first look into what these two concepts mean. 

  • User churn rate: Also referred to as customer turnover, this is the percentage of users or subscribers who ceased using your service or product during a set period. The practice of lowering the proportion of clients who abandon your offerings is known as churn rate optimization. 
  • Conversion rate: This is the proportion of total visitors who convert on your site. A visitor converts when they perform the activity that the website’s designers intended. The process of increasing this percentage is known as conversion optimization. 

What Does It Take to Convert on a High-Performing Site? 

It’s crucial to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all guide to building an excellent website. Conversion-optimized websites are as varied as the people who visit them. Nevertheless, sites that successfully convert visitors have several common characteristics and techniques. Here are some ways you can improve your site’s conversion rate. 

Examine How Your Visitors Engage with Your Website 

You need to create a website that caters to your target demographic to improve conversions. It’s possible that your low conversion rate is because of the design of your website. 

The user experience plays a significant role in whether someone stays on your site. You can determine where your site misses the mark by evaluating how your visitors engage with it. You might discover that your website’s layout causes visitors to abandon it or that it needs a vital button that directs them to the next page. 

You can optimize your audience’s experience by analyzing how they engage with your site. More visitors will stay on your site to discover more about your company, resulting in more conversions. 

Examine the Placement of the Call-to-Action Button 

The positioning of your CTA has a significant impact on your consumers’ UX. When CTAs are difficult to view, read, or click, UX and conversions suffer. 

Significant content, such as a call to action, should be put above the fold. In fact, the NN Group’s UX specialists report that above-the-fold content is seen 84% more than those below the fold. The term “the fold” refers to the invisible line on a page that divides what users can view without the need to scroll down from what they can only view once they scroll. Larger screen sizes, such as those found on desktop computers, allow more content to be displayed above the fold. 

Unbounce conducted a case study using its PPC landing page to demonstrate this point. In their experiment, their control page originally placed a CTA below the fold. For their treatment page, they added a navigational CTA above the fold. This secondary above-the-fold CTA encourages visitors to navigate to the price matrix, which is located below the fold. This tweak in CTA positioning resulted in a 41% increase in conversions. 

Navigation Should Be Made Easier 

If you want to improve website conversions, you should make it easier for visitors to discover information on your site by simplifying the navigation. Visitors are less inclined to stay on your site if they can’t locate information quickly. 

After a negative user experience, at least 89% of users will go to a rival. If your site’s navigation isn’t offering a positive experience for users, that could be the reason for its poor conversion rate. As such, you should concentrate on creating a straightforward and well-organized navigation system. 

Samsung’s website is an excellent example of sleek, straightforward navigation. Samsung divides its site into sections based on the several categories of products it sells. When someone knows they want a particular appliance, they can quickly locate that category and view the products offered. Samsung’s e-commerce conversion rate is likely to improve thanks to this easy-to-use navigation system. 

Improve the Readability of Your Website 

The readability of your website is an often overlooked part of UX. It goes to reason that if your prospects and visitors can’t make sense of your site’s content, they won’t be able to figure out what they’re intended to do. As a result, the user experience is abysmal. 

Consider that most of the material on your website gets ignored by your prospects and customers. People frequently skip site content, according to UX Myths. With such limited attention spans, it’s even more important than the stuff they read is simple to understand. 

Consider this example: UX experts at Spain’s Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Carnegie Mellon University found that 18-point font sizes are ideal for UX readability and cognition in the pages’ body text in a study called “Make It Big! The Effect of Font Size and Line Spacing on Online Readability.” 

As a result, content that is more difficult to read is also more challenging to understand. Because most people will only read a small portion of your content, you must make it simpler for them to digest what they read. Making fonts larger is usually a good idea. 

Takeaway Points 

A high-converting website is the culmination of all your hard work. People click on your website, customers buy, and you make money. In this article, we demonstrated one of the most fundamental principles in digital marketing with multiple examples and case studies — user experience is a critical component of successfully marketing your brand and achieving your objectives. When your site’s user experience is excellent, you’ll see an increase in conversions. 

Thankfully, building an effective and high-converting website with an excellent UX isn’t out of reach. You can begin by putting each of the principles in this article into action, and you’ll be on the road to captivating your visitors and turning them into paying customers. 

If you’re ready to review what’s working on your current website or if you’re thinking about building a new website from scratch, we’ve got programs that can help. Book your complimentary discovery session today so we can learn more about who you’re trying to serve and how you can serve them better. 

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We’re a team of master certified user experience researchers, consultants, and digital content experts. With backgrounds in media, technology, and journalism, we understand how to help our clients accomplish their goals online.

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